Ah, America's Centennial. Do anything special for your birthday?
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. Where was Johns Hopkins founded?
(#) Baltimore
(#) Buffalo
(#) New York
(#) Chicago
2. What were the first words spoken over telephone?
(#) "Elementary, my dear Watson."
(#) "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you."
(#) "Mr. Watson, come quickly!"
(#) "Can you hear me now?"
3. Where was the Centennial Exposition?
(#) Pittsburgh
(#) Washington, DC
(#) New York
(#) Philadelphia
4. How many Cavalry men were killed at Little Bighorn?
(#) 300
(#) 100
(#) 30
(#) 3000
5. Serbia & Montenegro declared war on...
(#) Turkey
(#) Russia
(#) Germany
(#) Prussia
6. Which state was admitted as the 38th?
(#) Colorado
(#) Arizona
(#) New Mexico
(#) California
7. What is Rutherford B. Hayes' middle name?
(#) Beech
(#) Birchard
(#) Just 'B'
(#) Bingham
8. Porfirio Díaz became President of ...
(#) Nicaragua
(#) California
(#) Spain
(#) Mexico
9. William March Tweed is better known as ...
(#) Boss Tweed
(#) Big Man Tweed
(#) King Tweed
(#) President Tweed
10. Who wrote 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'?
(#) George Orwell
(#) Edgar Allan Poe
(#) Mark Twain
(#) Herman Mellville
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