It's gonna be a rough decade...
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. Who created Winnie-the-Pooh?
2. What did Clyde Tombaugh discover?
3. Constantinople changed it's name to ...
4. Mahatma Gandhi broke British law by making what?
5. Ellen church was the first what?
6. US Representative W.C. Hawley & Senator Reed Smoot's bill did what?
7. What did Boulder Dam become known as?
8. "Dizzy Dishes" debuted which famous cartoon character?
9. Which company marketed Scotch tape?
10. Getúlio Dornelles Vargas led a revolution in which nation?
11. Haile Selassie was crowned emperor of which nation?
12. Who asked the US Congress for $150 million in public works to stimulate the economy?