California Propositions, 2008
Okay, now don't refer to your voting guide. Which props passed, which bit the dust?
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. 1A-High Speed Passenger Train Bond
(#) Passed
(#) Failed
2. 2-Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
3. 3-Children's Hospital Bond Act
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
4. 4-Abortion Waiting Period and Parental Notification Initiative
(#) Passed
(#) Failed
5. 5-Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
6. 6-Safe Neighborhoods Act
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
7. 7-Renewable Energy Generation
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
8. 8-Definition of Marriage
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
9. 9-Victims' Rights and Protection Act of 2008
(#) Passed
(#) Failed
10. 10-California Alternative Fuels Initiative
(#) Passed
(#) Failed
11. 11-Voters FIRST Act (Redistricting)
(#) Failed
(#) Passed
12. 12-Veterans' Bond Act
(#) Passed
(#) Failed
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