Harry Potter Trivia Round 2
Harry Potter, slightly harder than round 1.
Quiz created by: Shanopolis
1. The ability to communicate with snakes is called what?
(#) Parsle Tounge
(#) Serpantonious
(#) Reptilious Communicatus
(#) Scary
2. The Sourcers Stone does what?
(#) Awakens the dead.
(#) Changes water into rum.
(#) Makes you telepathic.
(#) Keeps you alive.
3. Haggrid's dragon was names what?
(#) Norbert.
(#) Buckbeak.
(#) Aragon.
(#) Fang.
4. The golden snitch is worth how many points in quiddich?
(#) 50
(#) 100
(#) 150
(#) 10
5. Which one of Harry's relitives was also a seeker?
(#) Vernon Dursley
(#) Dudley Dursley
(#) Serious Black
(#) James Potter
6. Where did Harry buy his wand?
(#) Gringots
(#) Olivanders
(#) Platform 9 and 3 quarters
(#) The Boars Head
7. Hermiony uses what spell to fix Harry's glasses?
(#) Alow hamora
(#) Unbreakeyo Oculow
(#) Oculus reparo
(#) Wingaurdium leveosa
8. In Harry's first year who is the Deffence against the Dark arts teacher?
(#) Pomfry
(#) Umbridge
(#) Querrel
(#) Snape
9. What type of animal is fluffy?
(#) A rat.
(#) A giant spider.
(#) A three headed dog.
(#) A centor.
10. Who was the previous owner of Harry's invisibility cloak?
(#) His father.
(#) Dumbledor
(#) Haggrid.
(#) Nearly headless nick
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