Humorous Famous Quotes
Have you heard the one about...? These are quotes about humor. They may or may not be funny, but they are always about funny. Just tell me who said them.
"Necessity... the mother of invention" - Plato
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. A joke is a very serious thing.
(#) Winston Churchill
(#) George Carlin
(#) Will Rogers
(#) Robin Williams
2. A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.
(#) Will Rogers
(#) Plato
(#) Henry Ward Beecher
(#) Mark Twain
3. Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it.
(#) Mark Twain
(#) Will Rogers
(#) E. B. White
(#) Lewis Black
4. Comedy has to be based on truth. You take the truth and you put a little curlicue at the end.
(#) Bob Hope
(#) George Carlin
(#) Sid Caesar
(#) George Burns
5. Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.
(#) Jeff Goldblum
(#) Lucille Ball
(#) Peter Ustinov
(#) Carole Burnett
6. Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.
(#) George Carlin
(#) Charlie Chaplin
(#) Mark Twain
(#) Will Rogers
7. Humor is just another defense against the universe.
(#) Lewis Black
(#) George Carlin
(#) Mel Brooks
(#) Mark Twain
8. Humor is reason gone mad.
(#) Jerry Seinfeld
(#) Harpo Marx
(#) Groucho Marx
(#) Chico Marx
9. If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.
(#) Robin Williams
(#) Mohandas Gandhi
(#) Dennis Leary
(#) Lewis Black
10. When humor goes, there goes civilization.
(#) Mark Twain
(#) Will Rogers
(#) Erma Bombeck
(#) Bill Cosby
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