New Jersey
You know anything about this place? Fuhgeddaboudit!
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. Capital City:
(#) Trenton
(#) Jersey City
(#) Newark
(#) Atlantic City
2. Most Populous City:
(#) Trenton
(#) Jersey City
(#) Atlantic City
(#) Newark
3. Nickname:
(#) Coastal State
(#) Garden State
(#) Jersey State
(#) Atlantic State
4. Motto:
(#) Liberty and prosperity
(#) Life, Liberty, Happiness
(#) Live Long and Prosper
(#) Life, Love, Liberty
5. Admission order into Union:
(#) 3rd
(#) 33rd
(#) 23rd
(#) 13th
6. Unique slogan on back side of state quarter:
(#) Life, Love, Liberty
(#) Crossroads of the Revolution
(#) Home of the Boss
(#) Fuhgeddaboudit!
7. Which of the 4 major sports leagues does not have a team which plays in New Jersey? (2008)
(#) NHL
(#) MLB
(#) NFL
(#) NBA
8. What does New Jesrsey not have?
(#) A state animal
(#) A state flower
(#) A state song
(#) A state bird
9. Who was reputed to be buried under Giants Stadium?
(#) Wyatt Earp
(#) Jimmy Hoffa
(#) Amelia Earhart
(#) Al Capone
10. What is the name of the mythical creature that 'terrorizes' parts of the state?
(#) New Jersey Devil
(#) Hoboken Poltergeist
(#) Newark Ghost
(#) New Jersey Fright
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