You knew I'd get to this state, sooner or later...
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. Capital City:
(#) Oklahoma City
(#) Lawton
(#) Tulsa
(#) Norman
2. Most Populous City:
(#) Lawton
(#) Tulsa
(#) Norman
(#) Oklahoma City
3. Oklahoma is Choctaw for ...
(#) Fried Okra
(#) Red People
(#) Tornado
(#) Thunder and Lightning
4. Admission Order into Union:
(#) 6th
(#) 46th
(#) 26th
(#) 16th
5. Nickname
(#) Indian State
(#) Tornado State
(#) Sooner State
(#) Flat State
6. The state motto, Labor omnia vincit, means...
(#) Labor under God's protection
(#) Liberty over virtue
(#) Work conquers all
(#) Liberty always wins
7. Oklahoma only has a major league franchise in this league:
(#) MLB
(#) NBA
(#) NFL
(#) NHL
8. What is on the back of the state quarter?
(#) Mistletoe
(#) Eastern Redbud
(#) Scissortail flycatcher
(#) American bison
9. What shape is in the center of the state seal?
(#) Oval
(#) Octagon
(#) Square
(#) Star
10. Main color of the state flag:
(#) Orange
(#) White
(#) Green
(#) Blue
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