Read the bookd! if you wanna know the answers!
Quiz created by: Dylo
1. who dies in a 'car crash'?
(#) Ian Intergalacticpowerglider
(#) Ian Powerglider
(#) Ian Cider
(#) Ian Rider
2. Who's visa runs out?
(#) Jack Starlight
(#) Jack Moonshine
(#) Jack Starsite
(#) Jack Starbright
3. MI6. What tube station are they located in?
(#) Liverpool Road
(#) Liverpool Street
(#) Liverpool Avenue
(#) Liverpool Drive
4. who is alex disguised as going to cornwall?
(#) Felix Lester(book)
(#) kevin blake
(#) Kevin Drake
(#) Kevin ForGodsake
5. what grade is alex in karate?
(#) green tip belt
(#) black belt dan
(#) green belt
(#) white belt
6. what is the toy store alex gets his ingenious gadgets from?
(#) hamleys
(#) ramleys
(#) gamleys
(#) famlies
7. How does alex travell to cornwall
(#) car
(#) boat
(#) aeroplane
(#) train
8. who is the multimillionare?
(#) herod mayle
(#) herod gayle
(#) herod trayle
(#) herod sayle
9. what is the name of the octupus that the multimillionare has?
(#) portugese man o' war
(#) spanish ladie o' gentleness
10. alex tests out the ........
(#) stormbreaker
(#) stormmakershakertakerfakerbrakerbreaker
(#) stormbraker
(#) stormshaker
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