The 2000's
A decade is over. Much has happened, and the world has changed in many ways, some good, some not. Let's see what you remember.
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. A truck carrying evaporated milk drove into a building in which city?
(#) Los Angeles
(#) Houston
(#) Dallas
(#) Sacramento
2. In which of these states did a terrorist-flown plane not crash on 9/11/01?
(#) Pennsylvania
(#) Virginia
(#) Massachussetts
(#) New York
3. Where were the Winter Olympics held?
(#) Toronto
(#) Vancouver
(#) Salt Lake City
(#) Calgary
4. The United States led an attack on which nation in 2003?
(#) Lebanon
(#) Iran
(#) Afghanistan
(#) Iraq
5. Where was Facebook founded?
(#) Cambridge, Massachussetts
(#) Cupertino, California
(#) Los Angeles, California
(#) Seattle, Washington
6. Joseph Ratzinger became ...
(#) Chancellor of Germany
(#) Pope Benedict XVI
(#) Head of the European Union
(#) Chairman of the United Nations
7. Which nation won the first World's Baseball Classic?
(#) Japan
(#) United States
(#) Cuba
(#) Mexico
8. British sailors and marines were captured by which nation?
(#) Libya
(#) Venezuela
(#) Iran
(#) Iraq
9. Where were 2008 Olympics held?
(#) Atlanta
(#) Rio de Janeiro
(#) Chicago
(#) Beijing
10. Who was inaugurated as the first black president of the United States?
(#) Jesse Jackson
(#) Morgan Freeman
(#) Bill Clinton
(#) Barack Obama
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