The Demented Cartoon Movie
This is a quiz about the demented cartoon movie by Brian Kendal. If you haven't seen it your really missing out. Check it out at
Quiz created by: Madcat2
1. What word causes your head to pop off?
(#) Pleesemagness
(#) Whatchalookinat
(#) Blah
(#) Zeekyboogidoog
2. What is the name of the watermelon in the film?
(#) Lucey The Stupid Homosexual Watermelon
(#) Carney The Crazy Phycho Clown Watermelon
(#) Jonny The Crazed Killer Watermelon
(#) Flooby The Super Kamakazi Watermelon
3. What word causes the world to blow up?
(#) Zeekyboogidoog
(#) Pleesemagness
(#) Blahsickle
(#) Up Yours!
4. What word causes a nuclear explosion?
(#) Zeekyboogidoog
(#) Blah
(#) Wantemetocheckadeoilforya
(#) Pleasemagness
5. Who is the creator of the film?
(#) Kiljer
(#) Jon Carlton
(#) Brian Kendal
(#) Michael Jackson
6. What is the game to two young boys play?
(#) Toss The Democrats Into A Pool Of Lava
(#) Toss The H-Bomb
(#) Toss The Meat Cleaver
(#) Toss The Nuke
7. How many times does the world blow up in the film?
(#) 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
(#) 10
(#) 5
(#) 13
8. What charecter doesn't die?
(#) Generic Blunt Object 1
(#) Cloud 4
(#) Boing Gloing
(#) Mr. Weight
9. Which of these thing was not in the film
(#) H-Bomb Button
(#) Buton Of Death
(#) Blow Up The World Button
(#) A maniac that dances and sings zeekyboogidoog
10. The Final Question! How many clouds are in the sky?
(#) 8
(#) 4
(#) 15
(#) 7
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