See how much you know about the year 1891
Quiz created by: Mr. Badger Hawkeye
1. Who became the first native Texan to become governor of that state on January 20, 1891?
2. What did Jesse W. Reno patent on March 15, 1891?
3. What company was founded on April 1, 1891 in Chicago, Illinois?
4. What university was founded on October 1, 1891?
5. What two European countries concluded an alliance on August 27, 1891?
6. The Music Hall in New York City, which opened on May 5, 1891, is now known as what?
7. What pope issued the encyclical "Rerum Novarum" on May 15, 1891?
8. In what country did an 8.0 earthquake strike on October 27, 1891, taking the lives of over 7,000 and creating a 3-meter tall surface fault?
9. Who became Canada's 3rd Prime Minister on June 16, 1891?
10. Liliuokalani was proclaimed Queen of what kingdom on January 29, 1891?