These quotes are about time and I'd say it's about time. But I guess that's redundant. Anyway, take a little time to take this quiz about quotes made in a timely fashion. I'll time you...
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. Only when the clock stops does time come to life.
2. Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.
3. Lost time is never found again.
4. The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
5. Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.
6. Time is the longest distance between two places.
7. We are time's subjects, and time bids be gone.
8. What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.
9. Time is the wisest counsellor of all.
10. Time is money.