Urban Legends, on Shuffle
Here are some random, unrelated urban legends. Which ones are worth repeating, and which should never have surfaced to begin with?
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. The Mississippi state legislature removed fractions and decimal points from school curriculum.
(#) True
(#) False
2. Mr. Ed was a horse.
(#) True
(#) False
3. Tarzana, California was named after the ape man.
(#) True
(#) False
4. An older version of 'The Poseidon Adventure' was showing on the Titanic when it struck the iceberg.
(#) False
(#) True
5. "Sing a Song of Sixpence" was originally used to recruit pirates.
(#) True
(#) False
6. George Bernard Shaw's play, 'Closed for Remodeling', caused problems with theater attendance.
(#) False
(#) True
7. Kentucky Fried Chicken changed it's name to KFC to eliminate the word 'Fried'.
(#) True
(#) False
8. The bear on the California State Flag was intended to be a pear.
(#) False
(#) True
9. Mobile homes are called mobile homes because they can be moved from place to place.
(#) False
(#) True
10. 2 men are making payments on a vehicle they accidentally sent to the bottom of a frozen lake.
(#) True
(#) False
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