Create a quiz for the site. Multiple choice, True/False, Matching, or a Question/Answer style (Q&A has no online scoring).
If your quiz is focused on a particular decade, it will also appear on inthe70s, inthe80s or inthe90s
True/False: This is really just a multiple choice quiz with one wrong answer instead of three. Since these tend to be easier to take, they should be avoided unless you are really devious.
Matching: Due to the design of this quiz, there is a 50 character maximum on the length of the fields.
PLEASE PREVIEW to make sure items display properly.
Proper Spelling & Capitalization: No text messaging stuff like u r so K001. No all lower case entries.
Factual Questions: Answers should not be OPINION based (ie. the best scene of a movie, the coolest car, etc).
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Please only submit miscellaneous quizzes on this page. Otherwise select either: music, movies, or television.