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Actor Quotes II

More quotes by actors, some more famous then others. Match quote to actor, or vice versa.
"In music the passions enjoy themselves." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Quiz created by: Bill Graves

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Hank Azaria
Kevin Bacon
Scott Bakula
Alec Baldwin
Christian Bale
Eric Bana
Antonio Banderas
Bob Barker
Ned Beatty
Warren Beatty
Bush wasn't elected, he was selected.
I've given no thought to moving to America at all.
Any idiot can get laid when they're famous.
Monogamy requires genius.
I'm getting grumpier all the time.
I've always been a big fan of time travel.
Actor should never be larger than the film he's in
Cats are very sexy.
Can't fool television viewers with dancing girls.
I've been doing silly voices since I was a child.