Pretty cool, suspenseful movie. Did you see that ending? I didn't...
Quiz created by: Bill Graves
1. In which city is the story set?
(#) Philadelphia
(#) Chicago
(#) London
(#) Detroit
2. What dragonfly object rolled on the floor?
(#) Paperweight
(#) Piece of pottery
(#) Piece of jewelry
(#) Brooch
3. What does the "curvy cross" stand for?
(#) Dragonfly
(#) Airplane
(#) The cross of Christ
(#) Waterfalls
4. What kind of animal does Joe have?
(#) A cat
(#) A parrot
(#) A dog
(#) A cockatiel
5. Where did Emily die?
(#) Paraguay
(#) Venezuela
(#) Nicaragua
(#) Uruguay
6. What did Joe get trapped in?
(#) A bear trap
(#) A bus
(#) A cave
(#) A waterfall
7. What were the kids in the hospital suffering from?
(#) AIDS
(#) Cancer
(#) Diabetes
(#) Weak hearts
8. What did Miriam teach?
(#) Law
(#) Paleontology
(#) Anthrophology
(#) Medicine
9. What were the maps for?
(#) Sky diving
(#) Whitewater rafting
(#) Parasailing
(#) Cruise Ships
10. What did Joe find in Venezuela?
(#) His daughter
(#) His wife
(#) The remains of his wife
(#) A letter from his wife
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