G.I. Joe: The Movie Quotes
What's the next line?
Quiz created by: Celeste
1. Although disfigured in a labrotory accident he was my choice
(#) No! Not the spores! I am a citizen of Cobra-La! No! NO!
(#) No I was betrayed.
(#) to raise a mighty army and go out into this so called civilized society and conquer the world
(#) You were my choice Commander and you failed
2. Those Dreadnoks are flying awfully close to the capture plants.
(#) You came back for me.
(#) Quick Falcon grab my ankles.
(#) This one is for the U.S.A. and Duke.
(#) Those aren't Dreadnoks. Those are G.I. Joes
3. Hey this is your....
(#) Yes it was my faceplate as I was once a man.
(#) I'm not sure about him
(#) Useless. It's all useless. I was once a man..... A man!
(#) Look at Cobra Commander.
4. I just remembered I can't look out for you anymore.
(#) Stay out of my life.
(#) Yo Joe!
(#) Promise me you'll get your life together and be a model for your country.
(#) I promised our mother that I'd look out for you. Maybe I shouldn't have taken on that job.
5. Lt Falcon I don't understand how a twisted misfit like you got into an outfit like this
(#) Falcon you're going to learn what it means to be a G.I. Joe even if it kills you. I'm sending you to the Slaughter House.
(#) I've looked at your record to try and find something good about you and we've found none.
(#) Enlight of this recent events we've decided not to hold you over for court marshall.
(#) Yours is a shameless record of insubordination
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