Mean Girls
Teat how much you really know about Mean Girls with these questions based on the movie.
Quiz created by: Maddy
1. What magazine did Damien say the Plastics would always be on the cover of?
(#) Star
(#) Time
(#) Teen People
(#) Us Weekly
2. why can't Regina wear halters?
(#) she looks fat in them
(#) she has "man-shoulders"
(#) they're karen's "thing"
(#) her mother won't let her
3. what radio station gets turned on the first time Cady is at Regina's house?
(#) 99.9
(#) 98.8
(#) 97.8
(#) 98.5
4. what math lesson does Cady forget because it was the week aaron got his hair cut?
(#) Calculus
(#) Elimination
(#) Systems of linear inequality equations
(#) Limits
5. When Regina calls Taylor Wedell's mother, who does she say is speaking
(#) Gretchen
(#) Stacy
(#) Regina
(#) Susan
6. what is Regina's sister's name
(#) Keylee
(#) Kylie
(#) Kailee
(#) Kaya
7. how many girls are nominated for Spring Fling Queen?
(#) 4
(#) 3
(#) 6
(#) 2
8. what is Karen's idea of a "fun" place?
(#) The mall
(#) Taco Bell
(#) Chuck E. Cheese
(#) Starbucks
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