Movies From the 1990s #74
Which movie came out first? All movies in this quiz debuted during the decade of the 1990s
1. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Amongst Friends
(#) Carolina Skeletons
2. Which movie debuted first?
(#) The Pest
(#) Clubland
3. Which movie debuted first?
(#) For the Moment
(#) Frame Up
4. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Warlock II: The Armageddon
(#) Dream Man
5. Which movie debuted first?
(#) The Swordsman
(#) Terminal Impact
6. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Murder Without Motive
(#) Bitter Vengeance
7. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Music of the Heart
(#) Kissing a Fool
8. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Denial: The Dark Side of Passion
(#) Last Light
9. Which movie debuted first?
(#) The Lunatic
(#) The Invisible Maniac
10. Which movie debuted first?
(#) Casino
(#) Innocent Blood
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