Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1945.
1. "When men get around me, they get allergic to wedding rings."
2. "Every dirty job in the army is my personal property."
3. "There was a dog that bothered me during the last job. People are so concerned about dogs."
4. "It's like the doctor was just telling me - delirium is a disease of the night. Good night."
5. "Very stupid to kill the only servant in the house. Now we don't even know where to find the marmalade."
6. "I'd rather have a judge give me the works than to have to do it to myself."
7. "I am sure your advice is sound; however, I will ignore it."
8. "Forgive me for the intelligence of my argument; I'd forgotten that you were a Member of Parliament."
9. "There ought to be a law against fat people owning little dickie-birds."
10. "But you don't want to forget: when a posse makes a mistake, it's a mighty hard thing to unmake."