Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1990.
1. "I'm not your problem. I'm a business man."
2. "You know all your friends from the force? You don't have them anymore."
3. "Oh, honey, were you thinking about that silly baseball game again?"
4. "Dunbar, not Dumb Bear."
5. "Better take the drain cleaner out of your mouth, this is getting serious..."
6. "If we're gonna waste the dude, we oughta get paid for it. I mean, that's the American way, ain't it?"
7. "You're afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. Personally, I'd give us one chance in three. More tea anyone?"
8. "Somehow we've brought our sins back physically. And they're pissed."
9. "You and Rowdy have the same illness, it's called denial and it's probably going to kill you both."
10. "I want Hatcher dead. I want his family dead. And if you can't kill him, I go kill him, and then I'm gonna kill you."