Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1990.
1. "It takes more than going down to your local video store and renting Easy Rider to become a rebel."
2. "A frame-up doesn't mean he's innocent. The kids could have framed a guilty man."
3. "I'm sure no harm will come to me once I'm inside the bank all by myself."
4. "I am your number one fan. There is nothing to worry about. You are going to be just fine. I am your number one fan."
5. "Life is a shitstorm, and when it's raining shit the best umbrella is art."
6. "She thinks I'm an asshole. And if she thinks that about me, what in the long run is she going to think about you?"
7. "What I do for a living may not be very reputable. But I am. In this town I'm the leper with the most fingers."
8. "I swear on the lives of my children, give me one last chance to redeem myself and I will sin no more."
9. "I said they were good kids at this point they hadn't taken acting lessons"
10. "Rules of engagement: one, whoever sees the other person first is the winner; two, whoever gets seen first is toast."