Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1992.
1. "Some day you'll have my children. In fact, they're in the car if you want them."
2. "If you look in the mirror and say his name 5 times He'll appear behind you breathing down your neck"
3. "Don't fear the weapon, fear the man."
4. "You can mess with a lot of things, but you can't mess with kids on Christmas."
5. "You have the right to remain unconscious. Anything you say ain't gonna be much."
6. "Mother always taught me: 'Never eat singing food.'"
7. "Cut him in five pieces and bury him in five directions."
8. "Hey there little Yankee wuss! Look here, 'got your $200. You gonna kick the shit out of me now?"
9. "You've got a big mouth... now I'm gonna show you an even bigger one."
10. "Buddy, my whole life I listened to ya' bellyache about your luck. Well, you are where you are because of who you are."