Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1992.
1. "I'll have you know, Marge Nelson, it's not the size of your planet, it's how you use it!"
2. "Everyone wants it easy today Will. And the reason we don't have the Cup, is that we don't deserve to have the Cup."
3. "If you are a friend of Americas enemies, then you're an enemy too."
4. "You use sex to express every emotion except love."
5. "What's it going to take to convince you? Me in a body bag?"
6. "It's a hell of a thing to kill a man. To take everything he has, and everything he ever will have."
7. "You see Billy it's like this, you either smoke or you get smoked. And you got smoked."
8. "Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive."
9. "Killing isn't like smoking. You can stop."
10. "Have you ever tried to pick up your teeth with broken fingers?"