Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 1993.
1. "How long does it take you to get here from Aurora? It takes me forty minutes, door to door."
2. "We may come from a fragmented MTV rap video culture, but they do not."
3. "There's many a man alive of no more value than a dead dog."
4. "Daddy, that dead man tried to eat me."
5. "You know, with the exception of the seat spring piercing my ass, this ride's excellent."
6. "Hey Pisane! You screw up one more time I'm going to kick your spaghetti bending butt all the way back to Milan!"
7. "There is no good or evil, only spirit and matter. Only movement toward the light - and away from it."
8. "If he came to me I would help him, but he wouldn't come to me. It's not his style."
9. "You ought to try that tough guy shit with me sometime."
10. "The picnic was delicious, the champagne was excellent, remind me to send the Cardinal a note."