Pick the the movie the quote appeared in. All movies in this quiz were released during the year of 2006.
1. "Whenever a big white man picks up a banjo, my cheeks tighten."
2. "I said pointy toes, not pointy words! Pointy words are mouse turds."
3. "Everyone in America thinks they're middle class. So they like to have someone to look down on."
4. "Your exile seems a bit more comfortable than I remember."
5. "I know Kung Fu, John Woo, Wutang Klan, and... Chai Tea."
6. "I want him to grow old in a land where all of us are at peace"
7. "You know I only go to church for two reasons, weddings and funerals, which one we gonna have today?"
8. "The details of your incompetence do not interest me."
9. "Are you guys ready? Let's roll! Come on, let's go!"
10. "Wanna take another picture? Cause I could lean over and pick up a pencil!"