Avril Lavigne VS Pink
Below is a line from either a Avril Lavigne song or a Pink, you pick who sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. We'll be lookin flashy in my mercedes benz
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
2. Sorry girl but you missed out
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
3. I felt a chill running through my veins
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
4. Some people speak their minds when they wanna
(#) Avril Lavigne
(#) Pink
5. I/m searching for the words inside my head
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
6. You fight about money, bout me and my brother
(#) Avril Lavigne
(#) Pink
7. Before you're old, you are young
(#) Avril Lavigne
(#) Pink
8. Well it's not like you have heard, no, no, no
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
9. Walk around with my hands up in the air
(#) Avril Lavigne
(#) Pink
10. You hate to think you're hurting me
(#) Pink
(#) Avril Lavigne
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