Black Crowes VS Jane's Addiction
Below is a line from a song you pick if it was Jane's Addiction or the Black Crowes That sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. She grabbed a razor for me
(#) Jane's Addiction
(#) Black Crowes
2. poked a hole right into myself
(#) Black Crowes
(#) Jane's Addiction
3. Who killed that bird out on you window sill
(#) Black Crowes
(#) Jane's Addiction
4. Her heart was never kind
(#) Jane's Addiction
(#) Black Crowes
5. Always drunk on sunday
(#) Black Crowes
(#) Jane's Addiction
6. It's true I am a villain when you fall ill
(#) Jane's Addiction
(#) Black Crowes
7. Boys and things that come by the dozen
(#) Black Crowes
(#) Jane's Addiction
8. There was no wrong you could do
(#) Black Crowes
(#) Jane's Addiction
9. We wake up just to fall asleep again
(#) Jane's Addiction
(#) Black Crowes
10. now cheaters have their way
(#) Jane's Addiction
(#) Black Crowes
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