Jim Croce VS Bob Dylan
Below is a line from either a Bob Dylan or a Jim Croce song. You pick who sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. About having to be scrounging for your next meal
(#) Bob Dylan
(#) Jim Croce
2. All the downtown ladies call him treetop lover
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
3. And I carry it with me like my daddy did
(#) Bob Dylan
(#) Jim Croce
4. cause now it seems that you wanted a martyr
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
5. If words could make wishes come true
(#) Bob Dylan
(#) Jim Croce
6. Yes, n how many times must the cannon balls fly
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
7. Well, they'll stone ya when you're walkin long the street
(#) Bob Dylan
(#) Jim Croce
8. You don't spit into the wind
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
9. That she was built like a fridgerator with a head
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
10. Wants eleven dollar bills
(#) Jim Croce
(#) Bob Dylan
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