Billy Idol VS Adam Ant
Below is a line from a song, you pick if it was Billy Idol or Adam Ant that sang the song that the line is taken from .
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Write it on a pound note pound note
(#) Billy Idol
(#) Adam Ant
2. Would you find that a risk to your health
(#) Billy Idol
(#) Adam Ant
3. Or down in london town to go, go
(#) Billy Idol
(#) Adam Ant
4. Hangin out for a body shop at night
(#) Billy Idol
(#) Adam Ant
5. cause when a long-legged lovely walks by
(#) Billy Idol
(#) Adam Ant
6. Were on the outside, but were not looking in
(#) Adam Ant
(#) Billy Idol
7. Hey she give me love and I feel all right now
(#) Adam Ant
(#) Billy Idol
8. Were gonna move real good - yeah right
(#) Adam Ant
(#) Billy Idol
9. Pretty, look young be fearless
(#) Adam Ant
(#) Billy Idol
10. Hey little sister who's your superman
(#) Adam Ant
(#) Billy Idol
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