They Might Be Giants Triva Quiz
A test of how well you know They Might Be Giants!
Think fast!
Quiz created by: Brent F
1. In 2002 They Might Be Giants released a movie what was it called?
(#) Two Johns
(#) They Might Be Giants: The Band of Dans and Johns
(#) Particle Man: A DVD of They Might Be Giants
(#) Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns
2. What was the second They Might Be Giants album to go gold?
(#) Here Comes The ABCs!
(#) The Spine
(#) No! Songs for children
(#) Severe Tire Damage
3. In the song Particle Man during the Universe Man do the lyrics read?
(#) "Universe Man, Universe Man, size of the entire universe man"
(#) "Universe Man, Universe Man, size of the entire World man"
(#) "Universe Man, Universe Man, size of everything man"
(#) "Universe Man, Universe Man, size of all the stars man"
4. What was the name of They Might be Giants debut album?
(#) Lincon
(#) Flood
(#) John Henry
(#) They Might Be Giants
5. John Linnell says he is releated to what famous president?
(#) James Polk
(#) George Washinton
(#) Benjamin Harrison
(#) Bill Clinton
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