Cinderella VS Warrant
Below is a line from a song, you pick if it was Cinderella or Warrant that sang the song that the line is taken from .
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. I used to be now Im not what you see, lord I try
(#) Warrant
(#) Cinderella
2. Well swinging on the front porch
(#) Warrant
(#) Cinderella
3. But then I heard you told another guy too
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
4. makes me shake, makes me rattle makes me roll right over
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
5. Darling I know you're sleeping
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
6. Forget the day, cause were gonna scream
(#) Warrant
(#) Cinderella
7. No pullin teeth, she didnt want to fight, she said
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
8. The folks down there they told me take it day by day
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
9. Give me, give me just half a chance
(#) Cinderella
(#) Warrant
10. Just a boy and his toy gun
(#) Warrant
(#) Cinderella
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