Um... it's hard!
Quiz created by: Dylo
1. Finish the band name. "... Charlatans"
2. Did Nirvana have a member and his first name was Chad?
3. Breaking Free in High School Musical. Who sings it?
4. When did The Kooks meet?
5. Did James Blunt write a song You're Beautiful?
6. A song is usually over 2 minutes. Was Seaside-The Kooks-over 2 minutes?
7. How many albums do Razorlight have?
8. What is the rest of the title to the Blur song 'Coffee &...'
9. What is Cinemafoot?
10. What genre are Mettallica?
11. What is the name of The Killers new album?
12. Finish the song title. 'She ... In Her Own Way
13. What band was Paul Mccartney with?
14. What is the name of the first title on Snow Patrols album, Eyes Open?
15. Where was Luke Pritchard born?
16. Which of the following is not a Kooks single?
17. How many songs on Nevermind?
18. how many tracks on InsideInInsideOut?
19. do the Charlatans have a song 'Gay is the Way I Say'?
20. Did Luke Pritchard have laryingitis and did he sing while he had the disease?