Julian Lennon VS Sean Lennon
Below is a line from a song, you pick if it was Julian Lennon or Sean Lennon that sang the song that the line is taken from .
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Sitting on the doorstep of the house I cant afford
(#) Sean Lennon
(#) Julian Lennon
2. A look your smile can't disguise
(#) Julian Lennon
(#) Sean Lennon
3. Under the heavens floating gently
(#) Sean Lennon
(#) Julian Lennon
4. Time has gone since I've been with you
(#) Julian Lennon
(#) Sean Lennon
5. Sometimes I feel like a paper plane
(#) Julian Lennon
(#) Sean Lennon
6. Watching the shadows on the wall
(#) Julian Lennon
(#) Sean Lennon
7. If I breathe your scent just one more time
(#) Sean Lennon
(#) Julian Lennon
8. God only knows what Id be without you
(#) Julian Lennon
(#) Sean Lennon
9. Darling, darling stand by me
(#) Sean Lennon
(#) Julian Lennon
10. Dreaming of redemption, no end
(#) Sean Lennon
(#) Julian Lennon
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