Paula Abdul VS Janet Jackson
Below is a line from either an Paula Abdul song or a Janet Jackson song pick the right Band that sang the lyric stated
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Come on and look me in the face
(#) Paula Abdul
(#) Janet Jackson
2. I was dying to tell you but scared of your reaction
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
3. On ways of living such a dangerous life
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
4. Who'd a thought we could be lovers
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
5. Whose heart can comprehend
(#) Paula Abdul
(#) Janet Jackson
6. Yes, honey, I love him. he is fine, he does a lot of nice things for me.
(#) Paula Abdul
(#) Janet Jackson
7. Ooh baby, anytime my world gets crazy
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
8. You're the kiss that puts my Soul at ease
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
9. It was all just one big night out on the town
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
10. Tides are turning bringing winds of change
(#) Janet Jackson
(#) Paula Abdul
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