Queen VS Thin Lizzy
Below is a line from a song you pick if it was Queen or Thin Lizzy That sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Whenever this world is cruel to me
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
2. When the kings and queens would dance in the realm of the black rose
(#) Thin Lizzy
(#) Queen
3. I should have took that last bus home
(#) Thin Lizzy
(#) Queen
4. But committed no crime
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
5. I work hard every day of my life
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
6. Galileo figaro-magnifico
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
7. Out from the skies, a thousand more will die each day
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
8. But it's Saturday night when heavy rock was born
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
9. Out of the doorway the bullets rip
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
10. I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
(#) Queen
(#) Thin Lizzy
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