Righteous Brothers VS Everly Brothers
Below is a line from either an Everly Brothers song or a Righteous Brothers song you pick who sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine, any time, night or day
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
2. Jimmy gave us rainbows
(#) Righteous Brothers
(#) Everly Brothers
3. Im-a through with romance, Im a-through with love
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
4. I've gotta stand tall, you know a man cant crawl
(#) Righteous Brothers
(#) Everly Brothers
5. You're all I've got to get me by
(#) Righteous Brothers
(#) Everly Brothers
6. Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much.
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
7. Now there's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you.
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
8. Your not the first man to cry
(#) Righteous Brothers
(#) Everly Brothers
9. Whatta we gonna tell our friends when they say ooh-la-la
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
10. I'll pay my fair and ride the bumper cars
(#) Everly Brothers
(#) Righteous Brothers
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