Below are little know facys can you guess the right answers?
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Which two famous guitarists waged a battle of guitars at a concert memorial to Beatles manager, Brian Epstein on January 29, 1969?
2. What was The Archies’ biggest hit?
3. What songs did Elvis perform on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1956..His first time on the show
4. When did Little Richard coin the phrase, “a-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-boom?”
5. What was the name of Frank Zappa's group from the 1960's?
6. What was the inspiration for Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?
7. Who wrote I will Always Love You
8. Who was first musical guest on Saturday Night Live
9. What was the first video to air on MTV by a black artist
10. Pink Floyd started playing in the London Underground as a band called