Rush VS Yes
Below is a line from either a Rush song or a Yes Song, you pick who sang the lyric.
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. The blacksmith and the artist
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
2. The feeling inside me says its time I was gone
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
3. There's no bread, let them eat cake
(#) Yes
(#) Rush
4. This day began the matrix of the real world thinking
(#) Yes
(#) Rush
5. Underneath the flank of thoroughbred racing chasers
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
6. What you do is your own glory
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
7. Vision through my tear
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
8. So all this necessary changes now, as the will to help all man
(#) Yes
(#) Rush
9. From an ancient book. I took a clue
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
10. That deal is just awakening his spirit to be giving him
(#) Rush
(#) Yes
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