Traffic VS Steppenwolf
Below is a line from either a Steppenwolf song or an Traffic song. You pick who sang the lyric
Quiz created by: BooBooKitty
1. Spending my bread like it grew on a tree
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
2. Heavy metal thunder
(#) Steppenwolf
(#) Traffic
3. I'd like to show you where it is but then it wouldn't even mean a thing
(#) Steppenwolf
(#) Traffic
4. I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
5. But still from near and far to seek America
(#) Steppenwolf
(#) Traffic
6. The sky is gray just by the touch of your hand
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
7. You know, he's gonna make 'em jump and shout
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
8. The horse I ride has lost a shoe, the buttercups are dry
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
9. If I had to take the choice between the deafman and the blind
(#) Steppenwolf
(#) Traffic
10. walking around with tombstone in their eyes
(#) Traffic
(#) Steppenwolf
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