Disney channel
this is a quiz based on disney channel sky the number is 609 or 610
Quiz created by: Gina x
1. what show hasn't ashley tisndale benn on
(#) phinnas and pherb
(#) suite life of zack and code
(#) wizards of waverly place
(#) hananna montanna
2. how many times a year is disney channel games on
(#) 465386916
(#) 1
(#) 12
(#) 4
3. who won the most resant disney channel games
(#) yellow
(#) green
(#) blue
(#) red
4. whats robbie rays real name
(#) bobby ray cyres
(#) billy ray monntana
(#) bob
(#) billy ray cyres
5. in the suiet life of zack and code who dose dylan sprouse play
(#) kerry
(#) caode
(#) tapeworm
(#) zack
6. whats ravens mum called
(#) tanya
(#) olivia
(#) becky
(#) tess
7. oliver in hananna motanna plays a vioce in another show is it
(#) kim possible
(#) i've got a rocket
(#) phinnes and pheb
(#) famous five
8. how many shows have as the bell rings in them
(#) 2
(#) 35
(#) 1
(#) 5
9. who is the oldist
(#) stacey
(#) candice
(#) phinnes
(#) pherb
10. who's corys best friend
(#) His mum and dad
(#) Chelsea
(#) william
(#) Eddie
11. how old is cole sprouse is the new eppisods of the suiet life
(#) 14
(#) 11
(#) 13
(#) 12
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