Are you familiar with the adventures of the "average kid that no one understands"? Let's see how you do! Just answer the questions, and you should be OK!
Quiz created by: HawkTheSlayer
1. What is Timmy's last name?
2. Timmy's fairy godparents are named:
3. Who is Timmy's love interest, even though she doesn't really care?
4. Name Timmy's spastic teacher who believes in fairies. ("Fai-ries!")
5. Where do Timmy's fsiry godparents live, when not in fairy form?
6. Which of Timmy's best friends lives in a trailer park?
7. Name Timmy's favorite super-hero.
8. What does Timmy's mother do for a living?
9. Who is Timmy's favorite singer, with perfect teeth?
10. Who is the fairy apparently modeled after Schwarzennegger?
11. Where does Timmy Turner live?
12. Name the maniacal, evil baby-sitter Timmy fears.
13. Why isn't Timmy's father asked to do very much?
14. Wanda's father, "Big Daddy", runs what business?
15. Who is Timmy's best friend, that is a genius?