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Which Debuted First Quizzes 1960s Index

Given a list of tv shows, can you pick which came first by the year of the debut? Shows are grouped by decade in which they began to air.

Due to the number of quizzes in this section, the indexes are broken down by decade.

Decades: [index] [1950s] [1960s] [1970s] [1980s] [1990s] [2000s]

(5)Television Shows From the 1960s and 1970 #1 (true/false)
Average final score 56% with 203 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #6 (true/false)
Average final score 68% with 97 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #5 (true/false)
Average final score 64% with 99 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #4 (true/false)
Average final score 60% with 52 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #3 (true/false)
Average final score 66% with 53 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #2 (true/false)
Average final score 66% with 58 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1960s #1 (true/false)
Average final score 59% with 50 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #6 (true/false)
Average final score 66% with 142 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #5 (true/false)
Average final score 59% with 84 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #4 (true/false)
Average final score 58% with 73 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #3 (true/false)
Average final score 72% with 64 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #2 (true/false)
Average final score 61% with 100 participants.
(5)Television Shows From the 1950s and 1960 #1 (true/false)
Average final score 59% with 60 participants.